Is This Art?

︎Amazed by artworks drawn by talented insects. Appreciate the beauty of nature from a micro and humble perspective.
Is This Art is a nonfiction book on natural science that highlights the beautiful patterns insects create on leaves as they feed or nest. By simply observing our surroundings, we can spot the intricate traces that insects leave on plants—curved scribbles, circular holes, pink double rings, white mazes, and more. Is This Art reintroduces familiar insects as “artists,” whose often-overlooked talents add an unexpected beauty to the natural world.
Published Edition: Simplified Chinese / French
Copyright Sold: Italian
Is This Art is a nonfiction book on natural science that highlights the beautiful patterns insects create on leaves as they feed or nest. By simply observing our surroundings, we can spot the intricate traces that insects leave on plants—curved scribbles, circular holes, pink double rings, white mazes, and more. Is This Art reintroduces familiar insects as “artists,” whose often-overlooked talents add an unexpected beauty to the natural world.
Published Edition: Simplified Chinese / French
Copyright Sold: Italian

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