Tiger Workshop

To raise awareness for wild tiger conservation, kids magazine XUXUDUODUO, as a key collaborator of Prada Foundation, aimed to engage children and their families through a seriers tiger-themed workshops. As one of the speakers, I participated in concepting, planning, facilitation, and design sections of the workshop “‘Masks in the Forest”.
In this workshop, we integrated tiger totems folk arts and folk customs related to tiger with the knowledge about tiger conservation. Together with children, we create tiger masks and engage in tiger role-playing games.
In this workshop, we integrated tiger totems folk arts and folk customs related to tiger with the knowledge about tiger conservation. Together with children, we create tiger masks and engage in tiger role-playing games.

Workshop Design↑

Tiger Folk Arts↑

Making & Acting Tigers↑
Role Play Scene Setting Design↑

After the workshop, we also designed a Do-It-At-Home Piece in the next issue of XUXUDUODUO
so that all the little subcribers can make their own tiger masks at home.
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